Edge Protection

Edge Protection

Edge Protection using NextGen Firewall, NextGen IPS, NextGen IPS/IDS, VPN, SD-WAN, Link Balancing, Anti-DDoS, Application Control, and Network Access Control (NAC)

Edge protection is essential to safeguard networks against external threats. Companies rely on various tools to ensure edge protection and prevent data breaches. Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) is one such tool that provides comprehensive security to networks. It offers advanced security features such as Application Control, Intrusion Prevention, and Advanced Threat Protection.

Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS) offers an additional layer of security to NGFW. It detects and prevents cyber-attacks that bypass the firewall by monitoring the network traffic. Next-Generation IPS/IDS (NGIPS/IDS) provides real-time analysis and proactive response to the network threats.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides secure remote access to network resources. It encrypts the traffic and prevents unauthorized access, ensuring the confidentiality of data.

Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) provides a centralized management solution for multiple sites. It optimizes the network traffic and improves the application performance.

Link Balancing ensures high availability and improves network performance by distributing traffic across multiple links.

Anti-DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) prevents DDoS attacks that flood the network with traffic, making it unavailable to users.

Application Control enables the IT department to monitor and control access to specific applications. It helps in preventing unauthorized access to sensitive applications.

Network Access Control (NAC) ensures that only authorized users and devices can access the network. It verifies the user's identity, device health, and compliance before granting access.

In conclusion, NextGen Firewall, NextGen IPS, NextGen IPS/IDS, VPN, SD-WAN, Link Balancing, Anti-DDoS, Application Control, and Network Access Control (NAC) are essential tools for Edge Protection. They provide comprehensive security to networks and prevent cyber-attacks, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

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